It is Awards ceremony season, and tonight is the real big one – the announcement of the Top 100 in the Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For list. Lane4 is in the 'small and medium size businesses' category. This Sunday the results are announced to the general public as a supplement in the Sunday Times.
Lane4 has been invited along tonight, which means that once again we have made the Top 100. We are delighted. An increasing number of organisations enter each year hoping to make the grade. Of course this year we have the extra spice of having experienced one of the toughest years on record for British industry generally, and certainly the toughest on record for our industry. Best Companies provide a feel for individual organisations’ scores in advance of the evening awards, and it was very gratifying for us to see that (as per our own internal data) our data is as strong as in previous years when we have made the top 10.
The first year we entered Best Companies I remember being surprised by the robustness of the diagnostic which underpins the assessment process. On a professional level I am particularly interested by some of the extra questions which Best Companies have begun to ask participants – in particular around how they feel about their organisation’s brand as well as its values, leadership and culture.
I would like to think that this evening in itself is a barometer of some of the things that put Lane4 on the list. Of course we have a table at the Awards Dinner tonight. Places were ‘’won’’ via the Lane4 internal lottery. Many others who did not win the Lottery are going to be gathering just down the road at the ‘’Unofficial Lane4 Awards Ceremony’’. Arguments persist every year over which group had the better evening. A brave few manage to meet up at the end of the evening – although Fatherhood has put paid for that level of stamina for me!
It is interesting to see how many of our clients proudly tell us now that they have made the ‘’Best Companies’’ list. We are increasingly party to many discussions around this at FTSE Board tables. Ten years ago references to the ‘’Best Companies list’’ would have been citing the list of ‘’Top Stock Market Performers’’ in the Financial Times. No longer. In fact bestcompanies themselves (the organisation behind the diagnostic) have data which correlates ‘’Top 100’’ status with sustained outperformance of the Stock Market.
Tonight I am heading along to the Unofficial Lane4 party. We will be celebrating being together today, and also reflecting informally on how we aim to evolve over the next few years. More on the latter point in the next few months.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Best Companies 2010 - The Results Are In.....
Best Companies,
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